Boudhanath Prayer Flags - On Halloween Night...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Physical Education

As we are homeschooling our kids for several months, we try to offer them a well-rounded education. Part of the package is daily P.E., which is quite easy to supply here in Bangalore. Whenever we walk anywhere, we get quite a workout! Crossing a street works wonders for our hand-eye coordination, sense of timing, and short-distance wind sprints. Navigating the sidewalks, complete with their missing stone blocks, piles of debris, unpredictable cows and dogs, and frequent “turd-alerts,” allows us to incorporate the balance beam, quick reaction-time drills, and standing long jump into daily life. No need for time consuming exercise routines or sports…

"Street-P.E." is a fact of life in India!


  1. hi!!!!!!
    hope you are having fun out there!!!!!!!
    WE CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
    (THE AWESOME TOADS!!!!!!!!!!!)

  2. We think your PE program sounds VERY interesting and pretty fun, except we all voted that we would not like the "turd alerts". In math, we learning about 10s and 1s and using yellow place value blocks to practice. We are reading Eric Carle books. Today we will read "Pancakes, Pancakes". The butterfly you helped us make Lupin, looks great hanging in the room and reminds us of you. We get to do ST Math today for the first time and we're excited. All of us liked your movie and your new hair cut is pretty. We miss you and love you. Hugs to your mom and dad, Sylvie and Eliza. Mrs. Bown, Spencer, Autumn, Carter, Delleny, Lincoln Nico & Mia (Alan & Kyle are gone today, but they would say "hi" too.)
