Boudhanath Prayer Flags - On Halloween Night...

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Orange Juice on the Roof"

LUPIN says... I am most excited for snorkeling in Thailand, and seeing the Himalaya. My Daddy told me for years and years that we would sit on the roof and drink orange juice and look at the Himalaya. I thinks it's gonna be lots of tall mountains with snow on top! And I also really like orange juice!

I really also want to see our friends at India. We get to go to "corner dosa." That's our favorite place to go for dinner... and breakfast and lunch too! I like it because it's so close and has yummy dosas which is kind of like a rice pancake that you take pieces off and dip in sambhar.

I'm excited about EVERYTHING on the trip! My big sister has been saying that she'll miss her friends so much, and that she's sort of scared to go. I'm gonna miss my friends too, but it's gonna be so fun on the trip so I don't think about that. I want to send postcards to my friends, and also talk on Skype to them.

No more to say now daddy... anyways why DO we have to do this writing typing thing? Why do we have to write stuff on the computer about the trip? Is someone really going to read it all?


  1. Lupine, I love knowing what you think and what you like to do in Nepal.
    So PLEASE keep writing. I can "travel" with you this way. Hugs, Penny

  2. Hi Lupin,
    I am sitting at the computer, enjoying my morning Chai and missing the whole Amstutz family already! However, more than missing your family, I am most excited and happy you have this fantastic opportunity! Please continue to share this adventure with us. I sooooo appreciate reading your perspective of the journey. I shall live vicariously through your stories...
    Tracy Greenwood at the silvergate bridge, Briceburg

  3. Hi, I'm Wendy Youngblood, a friend of Sarah Shmitt's (whom you met during your time in India in 2007). I teach and have lived abroad, but not since I had kids. My girls (5 & 7) will LOVE following your blog. Thanks for the great pics and posts! I look forward to reading more, and I envy you your trainride!!!

  4. Lupin! We are so excited to hear all about EVERYTHING on your trip - especially how many bottles of hairspray you take to show everyone what a real cowgirl looks like! As sad as we are that we won't be able to come travel with you this time (at that is REALLY SAD), as Penny said, we will travel vicariously through you and your family! This is amazing. I only hope that Karsten will get to see the world like you do.
    Much Love
    Joanna, Chris and Karsten

  5. Lupin-
    I am your uncle Tim's sister and I will be reading all that you write during your trip. I can hardly wait to hear about your experiences. I lived in Nepal for two years and I now have a four year old little girl. I can't wait to take her to Nepal someday...just like you get to do. It is one of the most special places in the world. Stay well and hope to meet you someday.
    sue barnes
